Sunday, 5 September 2010
Risk: British Isles

This is a board i designed based on the game of Risk but only using Great Britain and Ireland.
The island are split into 11 countries, each made up of between 4 and 6 counties.
Ireland has of course been split into: Ulster (orange), Leinster (green), Munster (purple) and Connaught (mid-blue).
Splitting England was going to be more difficult, as it is the largest country and doesn't have obvious areas like Ireland. In the end i researched the history of England to find out what countries existed before England's unification. The results were: Mercia (yellow) Cornwall/Dumnonia (grey), Bernicia (magenta), and South-East England (cyan)
Wales stayed as one country, due do its small size, and Scotland was split along the lines of the Celtic inhabitants, Scots (Lowlands) in navy, and Picts (Highlands) in Brown.
Black Europe

No this post isn't as risque as the title suggests. While having a conversation with my friend about how different languages are related, it occured to us that the english word "black" doesn't seem to be related to any languages that normally influence English language: Latin, French, German, and Celtic Languages to a lesser extent.
So i set about finding "black" in as many european languages as i could. this is the result. it is quite an interesting map, because if you group together the words that look or sound similar, you end up with a fairly accurate representation of the different language families in Europe: Celtic, Romanic, Germanic, and others I'm not sure on the names of, like the one in the east Baltic area.